Gleaning A Summer Morning

Thank you to Nat Raum, Bree Boyd, and the Plorkology 2024 team for publishing my poem “Gleaning A Summer Morning” in this beautiful issue, available both in print and pdf.

And here’s the beginning of the poem. Click the image to access the full poem, and all of the other lovely work inside the issue.

December Sky

Thank you to Taylor Meredith and the team at Rock & Sling for including “December Sky” in Issue 17.1. This is a lovely, print-only magazine with thoughtful notes from each contributor.


Thank you to fiction editor Zoë Meager, publisher Anna Scaife, and the entire takahē team for including “Reclamation” in issue 107.

Cover art by Roy Good, Scott Lawrie Gallery, Awkland

And there’s a launch, June 15 at 7 PM NZST (New Zealand Standard Time)! Click the image above which will take you to the magazine twitter page; the event link is in the bio.

Hidden Truths of Reupholstering

Thank you to everyone at phoebe journal for including my short fiction “Hidden Truths of Reupholstering” in this latest issue. Thanks especially to fiction editors Katy Mullins and Bareerah Ghani for selecting it.

cover art by Bãnbishn

The issue is gorgeous, with two sections of art within. Keep checking phoebe’s website as they post issues online.

Writing While Biking

The gorgeous contributor copies of Blue Earth Review arrived, and wow, this is a beautiful issue with beautiful work. I’m honored to have my flash creative nonfiction “Writing While Biking” included. Thanks to Aarron Sholar for selecting this piece, and to Pritika Pradhan and Jack Harris, managing editors. The cover artwork, below, is Rachel Coyne’s “Vision of Snakes in the Garden.”

Water and Land

Thank you to Alisha Jeddeloh for selecting “Water and Land” for Brink No. 4, Certainty. With thanks, also, to Nina Lohman and the Brink editorial team for putting together a beautiful issue.

On the jacket flap, “the edge or margin of a steep place or of land bordering water; any extreme edge; a crucial or critical point, especially of a situation or state beyond which success or catastrophe occurs.”

And on their website: “Brink is an in-print literary journal dedicated to publishing hybrid, cross-genre work of both emerging and established creatives who often reside outside traditional artistic disciplines. By providing space primed to instigate new ideas, Brink fosters dialogue and collaborative community across disciplines and cultural divides.”

Open House

Thank you to Alastair Murdoch and the team at Inkwell Journal for including “Open House” in Issue 37. The theme of the issue is Watershed. Thank you, also, to Donna Miele for her thoughtful edits on this short story.

Motorcycle Man

Thank you to Wayne Bradshaw and the Sūdō Journal team for selecting and publishing “Motorcycle Man” in their fourth issue, the final issue with Wayne as editor. About this issue he says, “With the theme of “Touch Wood,” this volume of stories, essays and poems embraces the spirit of spring, to be read while wondering what “spring” means in northern Queensland, waiting for the next catastrophic flood, or recovering from you third bout of COVID-19.”

Mea Culpa

Thank you to Abigail A. Jones, Dr. William Anthony Nericcio, and the team at pacificREVIEW at San Diego State University for selecting “Mea Culpa” for their 2022 editon “Atlantis and other lost places.” The gorgeous cover art, below, is by Ann Calandrano. Available in print only.