A Particular Sense of Highway Comradery

Thank you to everyone at Slag Glass City for publishing my creative nonfiction “A Particular Sense of Highway Comradery.” Special thanks to Hannah Rutkowski, Assistant Editor, for the wonderful communication; to Barrie Jean Borich, Editor, for accepting this piece; and to Barrie Jean Borich and Janelle Vasquez for the thoughtful edits.

Assumption on Woman with a Wagon

Thank you to the Journal of Compressed Creative Arts for publishing this small piece of creative nonfiction in their “Topical” series, curated by Pietra Dunmore. Click on the image below to read the full piece, and at the bottom, I answer one short question about how this piece was created.

We Were All Okay With It

Thank you to Sandi Wisenberg for publishing “We Were All Okay With It” in Another Chicago Magazine’s “Dispatches from a Pandemic” feature. I’m proud to be included in this publication.

From ACM’s website: “For a long time now, ACM has believed that everything is political, and has been partial to writing that confronts injustice and inequality, though not in didactic or polemical ways. We have always encouraged writing that jumped past the conventional and traditional to, as the (disgraced) bard said, “make it new.” ACM has encouraged play and rage and courageous attempts. Contributors have included writers from Chicago and from afar, neophytes to established writers, Charles Bukowski to Samantha Irby.

Always ACM has valued work that pushes the conventions stylistically, publishing experimental writers such as Ander Monson and Michael Martone. ACM also published the early work of David Sedaris, Jennny Boully, Ira Sukrungruang, and Kathleen Rooney, among others.”

Forever Tulips

Today I received these gorgeous contributor copies to Taproot, magazine. Wow, that cover.


From the website:“Taproot Magazine is an ad-free, independent print publication celebrating food, farm, family, and craft. Our mission is to build and support the vibrant community of people participating in both the practical and fine arts, to craft handmade lives, by producing quality, unique, beautiful, positive, and heartfelt print media and an online marketplace selling a curated selection of prints, craft kits, and handmade goods.”

Inside, under the “heart” section of the magazine, I have a piece called “Forever Tulips” about my mom, my garden, and my love of tulips.

Taproot has a brick and mortar space in Portland, Maine that sells books, plants, handmade crafts—I’d love to visit someday.

Art is Essential

Over at Critical Read, there’s a series of short essays about Art being essential during this time, especially during this time. It’s a beautiful publication.

There are five essays, about a bar in a painting, a painting as poem, a battered copy of a poem. My essay is the fifth one, “Long Gray Road” about a painting I love, and how it’s changed with me during the pandemic.

[Click to read the essay on Critical Read]

[Click to read the essay on Critical Read]