Dorr Township Library Salad Pie

What a fun evening Thursday was! At Dorr Township library we talked about IMAGINATION (ding!) and how stories are made. We exercised our brains by brainstorming. We made up a story about Broccoli Cake in which there were many characters named Jacob. We laughed and we made our own version of Salad Pie that looked like this:

It looks pretty! And tasty? Here’s the recipe:

Thank you to Jeffrey Babbit for inviting me to Dorr, and to Lexi for her help at the event.

Thank you note

Little things like this thank you note make my day.


Each one of these people (teacher included!) had a question about writing, publishing, or book-making. Keep reading, Mrs. Novacinski and class! And thank you, Holly Nelson, for all the great work you do for your school. World Read Aloud Day was so much fun!

World Read Aloud Day, 2020

World Read Aloud Day (WRAD) is on February 5, 2020. This annual event is celebrated by authors around the world offering short, free Skype-visits to classrooms around the world. And yes, I will be participating!


Thanks to author Kate Messner who compiles a list every year of participating authors, I, too, am offering free 15-minute Skype (or Google Hangout) sessions from 1 PM to 4 PM EST. The format is something like this:

“The authors listed below have  volunteered their time to read aloud to classrooms and libraries all over the world. These aren’t long, fancy presentations; a typical one might go like this:

  • 1-2 minutes: Author introduces himself or herself and talks a little about his or her books.

  • 3-5 minutes: Author reads aloud a short picture book, or a short excerpt from a chapter book/novel

  • 5-10 minutes: Author answers a few questions from students about reading/writing

  • 1-2 minutes: Author book-talks a couple books he or she loves (but didn’t write!) as recommendations for the kids” —from Kate Messner’s blog (where you can find a list of participating authors)

Contact me if you are interested in scheduling a visit, on February 5, 2020 from 1 to 4 PM EST.

Made in Michigan Photo Montage

What fun Made in Michigan was!

The SCBWI-Michigan table

The SCBWI-Michigan table

Thanku: Poems of Gratitude with a portion of proceeds going to WE NEED DIVERSE BOOKS includes a poem by Patti Richards. WE NEED DIVERSE BOOKS

Thanku: Poems of Gratitude with a portion of proceeds going to WE NEED DIVERSE BOOKS includes a poem by Patti Richards. WE NEED DIVERSE BOOKS


I don’t remember what or who sparked this idea, but some of us authors thought it would be fun to have photos from the eyes up. So, scroll below, and guess who? (hover over photo to reveal the answer)

And, here are a few of my favourite things at the festival (besides the books, of course!):

Reading Rocks in Rockford

Reading Rocks in Rockford is an annual festival of reading, complete with a drum line, a parade of local students dressed up as their favourite book characters, and a bunch of authors. Look at all of us!


The skies were gray, but the rain held off until noon. We authors from SCBWI-Michigan were having such a good time, we didn’t want to leave. But then the thunder rolled, and the radar suggested severe storms coming, so we ended up packing up in a rush and leaving a little early. Thank you, Rockford Rotary, Rockford Community Schools, and Krause Memorial Library for a well-organized and fun event!


Picture Book Panel at Southern Kentucky Book Fest

This weekend, on Saturday, April 27, as part of the Southern Kentucky Book Fest programming, I’ll be on a picture book panel with the authors of these books:

Thank you, Anica Mrose Rissi, for creating the graphic!

The rest of the festival, which is Friday and Saturday, I’ll be signing books in the exhibit area. There will be so many authors there! Below are just a few of the children’s books listed on the website, but there will be books for all ages (and their authors).

KCES Salad Pie

Last month, I had a lovely school visit with Kalamazoo Christian Elementary School. What a creative audience: the younger students made KCES Salad Pie (recipe posted below) and the older students came up with a story that featured me, eating ice cream in the Arctic. I hope some of them write that story down, and explain exactly why I’m eating something so cold in a place that’s so cold! There was a collective gasp when I revealed that I don’t like ice cream all that much (though I’ll eat it for the sake of the story :)).

Kerrytown Photos

After days of 90 degree weather, Sunday’s 60 surprised us all with how cold and windy it felt. We Michiganders are known for our toughness regarding the weather, but the weather always changes, and quickly. Here’s a group of us at the SCBWI-Michigan table, talking books.


From left to right: yours truly, Ian Tadashi Moore (author of the intricately illustrated TAMAISHI), Gin Price (author of the thrilling ON EDGE and wearer of swag bags), and Jodi McKay (author of the picture book, mystery WHERE ARE THE WORDS? and the upcoming companion PENCIL’S PERFECT PICTURE).


Standing by all the picture books—SALAD PIE is in good company.


And, signing amid all those Michigan-authored board books, picture books and novels. Thank you, Bookbound, for selling our books at Kerrytown Bookfest 2018.

World Read Aloud Day Skype Sign-up

It's coming! Every year, I book free classroom Skype (or Google Hangout) visits for World Read Aloud Day. This year, I'm opening up time slots for February 1, 2019 now so you can schedule early. Just contact me via my contact form, and let me know what grade your class is, and a few times that would work, as well as what time zone you live in.

Each Skype visit is about 15-20 minutes long. I introduce myself, read aloud SALAD PIE (with a bit of audience participation), and then answer a few of the students' questions (please have them prepared in advance). I also show and talk about a few books that I love that I didn't write, so students can get all revved up about reading!


Did you know that there's a whole host of research out there about why reading aloud to children is so good for them? Reading aloud allows kids to develop phonological awareness and other literacy skills, increases attention, increases vocabulary and enhances social-emotional development. So in addition to having fun, all kinds of growth is happening at the same time.

Photos from Sterlingfest

Saturday was a great day to be outside, browsing books at Sterlingfest. Thanks to Gin Price, Michigan author of On Edge, I have some lovely pictures to share.

Janet Heller, Kelly DiPucchio, Jodi McKay, Amy Nielander, Jeff Jantz, me, and Gin Price--the SCBWI-Michigan PALS at our table with our books. 

Janet Heller, Kelly DiPucchio, Jodi McKay, Amy Nielander, Jeff Jantz, me, and Gin Price--the SCBWI-Michigan PALS at our table with our books. 

We had a good time chatting with each other as well as Sterlingfest attendees. This shot shows a selection of some of the picture books there. Both Amy and Jeff are author/illustrators, so they had great materials to show off, including dress-up lad…

We had a good time chatting with each other as well as Sterlingfest attendees. This shot shows a selection of some of the picture books there. Both Amy and Jeff are author/illustrators, so they had great materials to show off, including dress-up lady bug wings and monster-ish creations.

Lisa signing books for a young customer, and a look at the lovely author-lined walkway to the Sterling Heights Library. What a fun, well-organized event!

Lisa signing books for a young customer, and a look at the lovely author-lined walkway to the Sterling Heights Library. What a fun, well-organized event!

Sterlingfest, Saturday July 28, 2018

This Saturday, I'll be at Sterlingfest's Local Author Book Sale, a first for me. A whole host of authors and illustrators will be there, including:

Also, there will be many activities for kids. Check out this photo and website via Sterlingfest's Twitter account.

Looks like too much fun to pass up! See you there?