
Thank you to fiction editor Zoë Meager, publisher Anna Scaife, and the entire takahē team for including “Reclamation” in issue 107.

Cover art by Roy Good, Scott Lawrie Gallery, Awkland

And there’s a launch, June 15 at 7 PM NZST (New Zealand Standard Time)! Click the image above which will take you to the magazine twitter page; the event link is in the bio.

Elegy 451 Handmade Book

Look at this gorgeous handmade book! Last semester, my daughter Ava took a bookmaking class. For one of the books, she chose to use the text of “Elegy 451” published in TERSE in May 2021.

The cover features a candle and dark textured fabric:

Then open, and whoah! Those endpapers!

And then the text…

images courtesy of Ava BooydeGraaff

The Dollar is a General

Variety Pack, Issue 7, is up today, and “The Dollar is a General” is included on page 3. You can access it via issuu by clicking the cover below:

Thank you to Ben Brindise, Flash Fiction Editor, and to J. B. Stone, Editor-in-Chief, for including this tiny fiction in the lovely Variety Pack.


Landlocked has published “Rave” in their Issue 4.1, just released yesterday. Thank you L. Favicchia and the Landlocked team for including it.

The issue reads like a print journal via downloadable pdf, and there’s gorgeous art throughout. Scroll down for a sampling.

Art featured in Landlocked 4.1


The Birdseed has published my tiny story “Impermanence” in this gorgeous issue (click image to read). Thank you, Kourtney Jai, for selecting my work, and for celebrating small fictions. Here is what she says about this issue:

The Birdseed celebrates short fiction–stories of 150 words or less. We’re drawn to short fiction for a few reasons: it is in many ways a more accessible medium to read, it takes a whole lot of talent to write, it provides a challenge to the imagination, and it invokes mystery. Short fiction, by necessity, leaves much unsaid. And it is in what’s unsaid that this issue takes shape.

These 38 pieces are beautifully crafted, without exception. They delight and they linger and they swerve, stars making way for sea and the dark and things even deeper. They show and they impress and they trust you, reader, to find the gaps and embrace what’s left unsaid.

Where She Stores Her Day & The Ilanot Review Journal Launch

Thank you to The Ilanot Review for including my work a second time in their pages, this time in the extraordinary EPHEMERA(L) issue. “It seems to me that documentation is inseparable from the idea of ephemerality” managing editor Marcela Sulak says of this issue’s theme in her roundtable feature.

Nine writers read their work for the virtual launch; you can access a recording on YouTube here.

Below is the gorgeous cover to the issue. Be sure to read the unique take on editors’ notes, wherein they share their favourite first lines. A special thanks to fiction editors Mitch Ginsburg and Nadia Jacobson, and assistant fiction editor Anat Hinkis-Atzmon for publishing “Where She Stores Her Day.”


The lovely SoFloPoJo (South Florida Poetry Journal) has included my microfiction “Grapes” in their August 2021 double issue. Thanks to Francine Witte for choosing this piece.