Steady As A Surgeon

Thank you Leslie Jill Patterson, Josh Luckenbach, and everyone at Iron Horse Literary Review for including “Steady As A Surgeon” in Volume 25.2, the Party Issue. In the editor’s note, Leslie Jill Patterson describes the story “in which a grief-stricken woman seduces someone on the wagon to fall off of it.” I’m looking forward to reading all of the stories and poems in this issue.

Motorcycle Man

Thank you to Wayne Bradshaw and the Sūdō Journal team for selecting and publishing “Motorcycle Man” in their fourth issue, the final issue with Wayne as editor. About this issue he says, “With the theme of “Touch Wood,” this volume of stories, essays and poems embraces the spirit of spring, to be read while wondering what “spring” means in northern Queensland, waiting for the next catastrophic flood, or recovering from you third bout of COVID-19.”


Landlocked has published “Rave” in their Issue 4.1, just released yesterday. Thank you L. Favicchia and the Landlocked team for including it.

The issue reads like a print journal via downloadable pdf, and there’s gorgeous art throughout. Scroll down for a sampling.

Art featured in Landlocked 4.1


I’m thrilled to have a short story included in Miracle Monocle’s beautiful Issue 17. Look at that cover:

Thank you to Dr. Sarah Anne Strickley, Erin Wedemeyer, and the editorial staff at Miracle Monocle for including “Bavaria” among this gorgeous eclectic collection of work.

From their website: “Miracle Monocle is an online journal of innovative literary and visual art. Published bi-annually, the journal features poems, short stories, literary nonfiction, and a broad range of experimental works. We pride ourselves on serving as a home for flash and micro fictions of all varieties, as well as works with genre indeterminacies, fresh collaborations, and re-invigorations of more traditional forms.”

Read “Bavaria” by clicking on the image above.

Swans Don't Always Sing

Popshot Quarterly has published my flash fiction “Swans Don’t Always Sing” in the Family Issue, out now. Thanks to Matilda Battersby, editor, for publishing it alongside the many other lovely authors and gorgeous illustrations. Click on the image for a sneak peak of the issue.

cover illustration by Sophie Standing

cover illustration by Sophie Standing

From the Popshot website:


The Family Issue is a collection of vivid writing, exploring what it means to be a family today. It cuts deep, with tales of devastating family secrets, pseudo-siblings, robots who want to be loved, and ‘family trees’ which grow beating human hearts.

Words by: Jackie Martin; Polly East; Wendy BooydeGraaff; Gresham Cash; Maggie Stephenson; Catriona Innes; Helen MacDonald; Romina Ramos; Eva Rivers; Kay Sandry; JL Bogenschneider; Danny Beusch; James McDermott; Leanne Su; Sage Tyrtle; Colette Coen; C. E. Janecek; Liam Hogan; Cecilia Knapp; Noel O’Regan; John Gosslee; Lorelei Bacht; Theo Beecroft; Gráinne Tobin; Zosia Koptiuch; Sarah Fuller; Katja Knežević.

Illustrations by: Beth Ashley; Dafna Barzilay; Louise Billyard; Jenny Booth; Clare Davis; Marian Femenias-Moratinos; Cinta Fosch; Julia Galotta; Sami Henry; Ida Henrich; Andrea Iris; Kasia Kozakiewicz; Valentina Leoni; Jon Lim; Emily Louka; Izabela Olesinska; Hayley Patterson; Irina Pavlova; Yannick Scott; Meital Shushan; Sophie Standing; Maggie Stephenson; Kate Styling; Karolina Sroka; Martha White; Dawei Wang.

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The lovely SoFloPoJo (South Florida Poetry Journal) has included my microfiction “Grapes” in their August 2021 double issue. Thanks to Francine Witte for choosing this piece.