Water and Land

Thank you to Alisha Jeddeloh for selecting “Water and Land” for Brink No. 4, Certainty. With thanks, also, to Nina Lohman and the Brink editorial team for putting together a beautiful issue.

On the jacket flap, “the edge or margin of a steep place or of land bordering water; any extreme edge; a crucial or critical point, especially of a situation or state beyond which success or catastrophe occurs.”

And on their website: “Brink is an in-print literary journal dedicated to publishing hybrid, cross-genre work of both emerging and established creatives who often reside outside traditional artistic disciplines. By providing space primed to instigate new ideas, Brink fosters dialogue and collaborative community across disciplines and cultural divides.”

Mea Culpa

Thank you to Abigail A. Jones, Dr. William Anthony Nericcio, and the team at pacificREVIEW at San Diego State University for selecting “Mea Culpa” for their 2022 editon “Atlantis and other lost places.” The gorgeous cover art, below, is by Ann Calandrano. Available in print only.

Where She Stores Her Day & The Ilanot Review Journal Launch

Thank you to The Ilanot Review for including my work a second time in their pages, this time in the extraordinary EPHEMERA(L) issue. “It seems to me that documentation is inseparable from the idea of ephemerality” managing editor Marcela Sulak says of this issue’s theme in her roundtable feature.

Nine writers read their work for the virtual launch; you can access a recording on YouTube here.

Below is the gorgeous cover to the issue. Be sure to read the unique take on editors’ notes, wherein they share their favourite first lines. A special thanks to fiction editors Mitch Ginsburg and Nadia Jacobson, and assistant fiction editor Anat Hinkis-Atzmon for publishing “Where She Stores Her Day.”