
The Shore has published “Mother,” a poem about childhood, home, and the farmer’s market in Kitchener, Ontario. Thank you to Caroline Chavatel, Emma DePanise, and John A. Nieves for selecting this poem.

The Dollar is a General

Variety Pack, Issue 7, is up today, and “The Dollar is a General” is included on page 3. You can access it via issuu by clicking the cover below:

Thank you to Ben Brindise, Flash Fiction Editor, and to J. B. Stone, Editor-in-Chief, for including this tiny fiction in the lovely Variety Pack.

What to Read Next: A Mosaic of Literature Selections for All Ages

Up the Staircase Quarterly has published “What to Read Next: A Mosaic of Literature Selections for All Ages” which I hope draws connections between the adult literary work we know and love and the amazing contemporary children’s literature that is available today. Special thanks to April Michelle Bratten for accepting this review.

I really love a journal that combines literary work and art, and Up the Staircase not only has a featured artist, but a whole section featuring art and artists.


Thank you to Anna Potter for including my poem “Today” in the Amphibian.

Her editor’s note in this inaugural issue explains the theme and the name of the journal: “Part of this cultural 'amphibious-ness' is a sense of longing for a home, real or imagined. A place of comfort where we belong. That is the essence of Hiraeth the theme for this issue.”

Five Steps Away

Five South has published my flash fiction “Five Steps Away” in The Weekly. Thank you, Kristen Simental, and everyone at Five South. From their about page: “Five South is an online, biannual, literary journal where storytelling counts. Whether it’s in prose or poem form, we want to get to the meat of it. We like stories about people, places, memories, things that make us feel connected.”


Thank you to Colleen Rothman for featuring “Rest” in nurture. This beautiful, spare online journal has “a soft spot for work that explores the complexities of care” yet also concerns “work that resists easy classification, that probes the absurd realities of being human, that complicates care and challenges convention about what it means to nurture.” (About page) This micro is very short, under 150 words.

Where She Stores Her Day & The Ilanot Review Journal Launch

Thank you to The Ilanot Review for including my work a second time in their pages, this time in the extraordinary EPHEMERA(L) issue. “It seems to me that documentation is inseparable from the idea of ephemerality” managing editor Marcela Sulak says of this issue’s theme in her roundtable feature.

Nine writers read their work for the virtual launch; you can access a recording on YouTube here.

Below is the gorgeous cover to the issue. Be sure to read the unique take on editors’ notes, wherein they share their favourite first lines. A special thanks to fiction editors Mitch Ginsburg and Nadia Jacobson, and assistant fiction editor Anat Hinkis-Atzmon for publishing “Where She Stores Her Day.”

Swans Don't Always Sing

Popshot Quarterly has published my flash fiction “Swans Don’t Always Sing” in the Family Issue, out now. Thanks to Matilda Battersby, editor, for publishing it alongside the many other lovely authors and gorgeous illustrations. Click on the image for a sneak peak of the issue.

cover illustration by Sophie Standing

cover illustration by Sophie Standing

From the Popshot website:


The Family Issue is a collection of vivid writing, exploring what it means to be a family today. It cuts deep, with tales of devastating family secrets, pseudo-siblings, robots who want to be loved, and ‘family trees’ which grow beating human hearts.

Words by: Jackie Martin; Polly East; Wendy BooydeGraaff; Gresham Cash; Maggie Stephenson; Catriona Innes; Helen MacDonald; Romina Ramos; Eva Rivers; Kay Sandry; JL Bogenschneider; Danny Beusch; James McDermott; Leanne Su; Sage Tyrtle; Colette Coen; C. E. Janecek; Liam Hogan; Cecilia Knapp; Noel O’Regan; John Gosslee; Lorelei Bacht; Theo Beecroft; Gráinne Tobin; Zosia Koptiuch; Sarah Fuller; Katja Knežević.

Illustrations by: Beth Ashley; Dafna Barzilay; Louise Billyard; Jenny Booth; Clare Davis; Marian Femenias-Moratinos; Cinta Fosch; Julia Galotta; Sami Henry; Ida Henrich; Andrea Iris; Kasia Kozakiewicz; Valentina Leoni; Jon Lim; Emily Louka; Izabela Olesinska; Hayley Patterson; Irina Pavlova; Yannick Scott; Meital Shushan; Sophie Standing; Maggie Stephenson; Kate Styling; Karolina Sroka; Martha White; Dawei Wang.

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